Welcome to Room 121

Saturday, June 20, 2015

THIS WEEK: Monday, June 22 - Friday, June 26, 2015

A big thanks to all the dads who were able to come out to our Father's Day breakfast. The kids were so pleased to have you there. Here is the link to our program: 

WEDNESDAY, June 24th:Be sure to have your planes at school by Wednesday for our 'flight competition.' 

THURSDAY, June 25th: Last day for students. Please bring a bowl and a spoon, as Mrs. P. will be providing an ice cream treat. There will be a 2:30 dismissal. Progress reports will be sent home.

FRIDAY, June 26th: Last day for teachers.

If your child will not be at school on the last day, please send a self-addressed envelope with $1.00 stamp in it. The progress report will be mailed.

Thank you so very much for the opportunity to work with your son/daughter over the past ten months. I have thoroughly enjoyed the year, and I am going to miss each and every one of my students in the fall. Have a wonderful summer!
Jann Porritt