Welcome to Room 121

Friday, June 12, 2015

THIS WEEK: Monday, June 15 - Sunday, June 21, 2015

MONDAY, June 15: We will be flying our kites with our Tech Buddies. Grade 6s, please bring a treat for your Tech Buddy. They will provide the drinks.

TUESDAY, June 16th: Tunnels of Moose Jaw trip. Bring a bag lunch and some spending $ if you wish. We will stop at the Fudge Factory if there is time.

THURSDAY, June 18th: Muffin and cheese volunteers need to bring their food today for tomorrow's Father's Day breakfast.

FRIDAY, June 19th: Father's Day Breakfast (7:30-8:30 a.m. Mini Gym)

HERE ARE THE ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS WE ARE WORKING ON: There are no deadlines for these, as I will give you all the class time you need to finish. If you want to go further, you may continue to work at home.
TYPING WEB: Finishing Advanced Courses

Conceptua Math: Finishing Big Idea 6
REMEMBER: when you are logging in, the 'customer name' is my email - jporritt@accesscomm.ca, and your login does not have the 205 on the end.

READ options:
1) RazKids
2) School OverDrive
3) iPad app - Epic (classroom subscription)
This week in Math, we will be working on Unit 7 Data Analysis and Probability. We will be completing Lesson 7.3 Interpreting Graphs (SeeIt p. 264 eText), Lesson 7.4 Drawing Graphs and Lesson 7.5 Choosing An Appropriate Graph.