Welcome to Room 121

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thank you, Parents.

Not a year goes by without me being very thankful for my career. I love every minute of every day I get to spend with your children, and I have you to thank for that.  You have done a terrific job of parenting, thus making my job of educating your son or daughter so much easier.  Your children come to school ready to learn (and most often eager) and with them they bring their smiles, positive attitudes and polite manners. That is a tribute to you, their parents.  Over the course of the year, it has been very apparent that the parents of Room 205 students are interested and supportive in their children’s education. That has been apparent to me through our email, our conversations and our meetings, but most importantly, it has been apparent through what the students tell me!  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!