• School Presentation: Helping Your Child Deal With Anxiety - Thursday, January 14th, 7 pm. If you have not yet signed up, but are still interested, go the school web site - http://wshawrylak.rbe.sk.ca/
THIS WEEK'S MATH: Unit 3- Decimals:
• Lesson 3.3 Multiplying Decimals by a Whole Number (video)
• Lesson 3.4 Multiplying a Decimal Less than 1 by a Whole Number (video)
READ sites: You can read from any of the sites below during our READ time, but remember that you can always read from home as well.
RazKids: iPad or online (Teacher Username - jporritt)
EpicBooks: on your iPad (you have to have me log you in to our class account)
Newsela: iPad or online (informational text)
TumbleBooks: Regina Public library (free online books)
News-O-Matic: from iPads
Creative Common Search - remember that all images and videos you use from the Internet need to be 'copyright free.' Creative Commons will help you to do this. Use the link to search for and find great images and videos that you can use.