Mr. Gullickson has now posted the September newsletter to the school website. You can download a copy from the 'Newsletter & Calendar' link, or you can read it online from the school home page.
1) HSCC BBQ will be held from 5:00-7:00 p.m. At 6:00, teachers will be in their classrooms for an open house. I will be having two short presentation/question periods in Room 121 - one at 6:00 and a second one at 6:30. I hope to see you at one of them.
2) Band Sectionals start today - YOU DO NOT NEED TO BRING YOUR INSTRUMENTS FOR TODAY. They will be held in the p.m.
Friday, September 18th: School photos will be taken
Friday (evening), September 18th and Saturday, September 19th: Band will be having its 'Head Start' clinic for Grade 6s at Campbell
Literacy: Skitch (free app) and Word Mover (free app)
This week in Math, we will continue working on Unit 1 Patterns and Equations. We will be completing Lesson 1.2 Patterns From Tables (video) (SeeIt p. 12 Pearson eText) and Lesson 1.4 Using Variables to Describe Patterns (video) (SeeIt p. 20 Pearson eText).
Just a reminder that all video lessons can be found under the Math Support link in the right hand menu of our class web site.