Welcome to Room 121

Saturday, May 9, 2015

THIS WEEK: Monday, May 11 - Sunday, May 17th, 2015

Moms, thank you so much for giving of your time and coming to our Mother's Day Tea last week. I know it meant a lot to your son/daughter.  For those of you who couldn't make it, we hope you were able to view it live (http://bambuser.com/channel/Wsh205). 
The livestream will remain active for a bit longer, but remember that you can also download a copy from the DropBox link I sent you on Friday. This download will be of a much better quality than the livestream, as it is the actual video we used at the tea.

READ Challenge update: In week 3, we had a class total of 6161 verified minutes, with 89% of our class turning in home reading minutes that were verified by a parent. Way to go, Room 205! I would love to see 100% next week. Remember that you need to have your last week's verified minutes at school for Monday, so we can record them.  Mom or Dad can email me or send a signed note with the total minutes read on it. 

UPCOMING EVENTS: We are off to Government House on Thursday, but we still have a handful of students who do not have parent permission yet. If you have not done so already, please email me as soon as possible to give me permission for your son/daughter to attend this event with the class. There is no cost as a government grant is providing for the cost of the bus. 

HERE ARE THE ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS FOR THIS WEEK: I am not assigning any deadlines for these as we are busy working on the Board Assessments right now. You can work on these at home if you want, but you do not have to. For the next while, my only online requirements will be what you can get done in class unless you choose to go further on your own. 
TYPING WEB: Advanced Course -> Lesson 4 - Accuracy Drills

Conceptua Math: Big Idea 6 Add and Subtract Unlike Fractions - Folder 3 (6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3 & 6.3.4)
REMEMBER: when you are logging in, the 'customer name' is my email - jporritt@accesscomm.ca, and your login does not have the 205 on the end.

RazKids:  You can read from RazKids during our READ time, but remember that you can always read from home as well. Don't forget that you now have access to our school library's Overdrive. You can access books on your mobile device (both etext and audio). 

This week in Math, we will continue working on Unit 5 - Fractions, Ratio and Percent. We will be finishing 5.7 Exploring Percent and doing 5.8 Relating Fractions, Decimals & Percent (video)(Try It p. 190 Pearson etext)