Welcome to Room 121

Saturday, March 21, 2015

THIS WEEK: Monday, March 23 - Sunday, March 29, 2015

• Thursday - Demonstration of Learning 4:00-7:00 p.m. (invite sent home with progress report)
Friday - Conference Day for some students (No classes)

APPS We Will Be Using For the Next Few Weeks:
Poetry Creation apps: Some of these apps are free, but not all. Please do not buy any of these apps unless you decide to use them with your poetry unit. I will show you the apps in class, and then you will decide which app(s) you wish to use when creating your own poems. 
We will also be using a new Math app this week. It is called Area of Figures. There is a cost to this app ($1.19), so do not feel obligated to get it. We can always share classroom iPads for this app.
To create our business cards in Career Ed., we will be using the free app - Canva.

HERE ARE THE ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS FOR THIS WEEK: They are not due until Thursday, April 2.
TYPING WEB: Advanced Course -> Lesson 1 - Keyboard Quadrants

Conceptua Math: Big Idea 5 -> Learning Equivalent Fractions -> Folder 4 -> Order and Compare Equivalent Fractions. There are 3 lessons  (5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3 and 5.4.4).
REMEMBER: when you are logging in, the 'customer name' is my email - jporritt@accesscomm.ca, and your login does not have the 205 on the end.

RazKids:  You can read from RazKids during our READ time, but remember that you can always read from home as well. Don't forget that you now have access to our school library's Overdrive. You can access books on your mobile device (both etext and audio). 

This week in Math, we will continue with Unit 6 Geometry. We will be finishing 6.7 - Perimeters of Polygons (video) and working on 6.8 - Area of a Rectangle (video). There is a 'Try It' in Pearson etext for 6.8 on p. 231 and a 'See It' on p. 232.