Tuesday: Band-A-Thon (all a.m.)
Wednesday: Curling Game Day 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Wednesday: Curling Game Day 10:30-11:30 a.m.
*Dance forms - due Monday, March 2
*HSCC Booster juice orders - due Wednesday, March 4TYPING WEB: Intermediate Course -> Lesson 7 - Numbers, Letters, Numbers
Conceptua Math: Big Idea 5 -> Learning Equivalent Fractions -> Folder 1 -> Understanding Equivalent Fractions. There are 3 lessons left (5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.3).
REMEMBER: when you are logging in, the 'customer name' is my email - jporritt@accesscomm.ca, and your login does not have the 205 on the end.
RazKids: You can read from RazKids during our READ time, but remember that you can always read from home as well. Don't forget that you now have access to our school library's Overdrive. You can access books on your mobile device (both etext and audio).
This week in Math, we will start Unit 6 Geometry. We will doing Lesson 6.1 - Exploring Triangles (video).