There are still 4 students to return their Family Life note. Be sure to do so on Tuesday, as we have Health that day.
Congratulations to those who are 'racing' in Conceptua. It is nice to see the leaders being challenged and all the movement up the 'LeaderBoard' every day. :-)
We will be making masks next Thursday, weather permitting, so don't wear your 'best' clothes! :-)
Remember, there will be no more Morning Math, but if you need help with something, or just need to work on something, feel free to pop in early any morning, as I will be here :-).
A belated Thank You to all of you Moms who were able to make it to our Mother's Day Tea! We hope you enjoyed it! For those who couldn't make it, we missed you and hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! Moms, we love you! :-)