Welcome to Room 121

Saturday, May 16, 2015

THIS WEEK: Monday, May 18 - Sunday, May 24th, 2015

Monday: Victoria Day - no school
Wednesday: Unit 5 Math Test (Fractions, Ratio & Percent)
Thursday: School Track Meet @ Sheldon Williams High School - all day
June 5th: HSCC Special Lunch (pita and Menchies): Room 205 is still looking for one more parent volunteer. So far, we have Mrs. Matravolgyi.

READ Challenge update: In week 4, we had a class total of 5203 verified minutes, with 85% of our class turning in home reading minutes that were verified by a parent. This is a slight drop from the previous week! I am still waiting to see a 100%. Remember that you need to have your last week's verified minutes at school for Tuesday, so we can record them.  Mom or Dad can email me or send a signed note with the total minutes read on it. 
HERE ARE THE ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS WE ARE WORKING ON: I am not assigning any deadlines for these as we are busy working on the Board Assessments right now. You can work on these at home if you want, but you do not have to. For the next while, my only online requirements will be what you can get done in class unless you choose to go further on your own. 
TYPING WEB: Finishing Advanced Courses

Conceptua Math: Finishing Big Idea 6
REMEMBER: when you are logging in, the 'customer name' is my email - jporritt@accesscomm.ca, and your login does not have the 205 on the end.

READ options:
1) RazKids
2) School OverDrive
3) iPad app - Epic (classroom subscription)
This week in Math, we will be having our Unit 5 Test on Fractions, Ratio & Percent (Wednesday), and we will start Unit 8 Transformations. We will be completing Lesson 8.1 Drawing Shapes on a Coordinate Grid (video).