Welcome to Room 121

Sunday, September 30, 2012

THIS WEEK: Monday, October 1 - Sunday, October 7, 2012

THIS WEEK'S ASSIGNMENTS: Please be sure you have finished all of last week's Online Assignments before starting these new ones.

TYPING WEB: This week I would like you to continue in the TypingWeb program by completing the fourth lesson in the Beginner Course (Home Row and Beyond).

RazKids: You need to complete one more story (Listen, Read and Quiz). If you score poorly, please reread the book and then retake the quiz to bring your mark up. Make sure you are reading from your 'assigned level,' or your book will not count.

Conceptua Math: This week you will need to complete Topic 1-2 Write Fractions. There are 5 lessons to complete. Remember that when logging in you will need to remember that my email address is the Customer.

It is a short week, but I will give you class time on Thursday to work on these assignments.

Tuesday - Math Help at 8:00 am; You need to have a book that you read at home in the month of September at school for group 'genre' discussions
Wednesday - Track Meet all day @ Douglas Park
Friday - PD Day - no classes for students
Monday - Thanksgiving - No School